We are looking for Connectors who…

  • Share our passion for Minnesota’s local business community
  • Are ready to help spread the word about us, either online or in-person
  • Love to create and share your own content

How this works

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To get started, we need your contact information. Below, you can fill out our quick signup form.
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Then, ask your favorite local businesses to sign up for a Heyven Membership via your affiliate form.
white icon for "Join our comunnity"

Get Paid

Earn $25.00 for each new Creator or Business who signs up using your unique link.
Get Started


  • Get paid each month for the new Members you help bring in!
  • Get 12 months of Heyven Membership FREE for every tenth Member you sign up!
  • Build awareness of your brand along with ours!

Contact  Us

Have a question, recommendations, or concern? Give us some basic info and we will reply shortly!

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